Shoes! Ready to run? THINK COMFORTABLE...
I was in my 20's when I started nursing and my body could handle a lot more abuse. I would work all day on my feet wearing cheap (but...
Shoes! Ready to run? THINK COMFORTABLE...
Continuing Education for Nurses, free vacation?
Job Description: Legal Nurse/Expert Nursing Practice Consultant
Who’s the most important person in Nursing?
Movies and TV shows with Nurses & doctors
Yay! I got my Nursing what? Where can I find work?
Scholarships for Nursing Students
Nursing Students! website that rates professors...
Days, Eves, Nights, What shift is best?
Do Nurses Really Eat Their Young?
Do Nurses need Professional Malpractice Insurance?
I rented out my spare room to travel nurses
What advice would you give to a nursing student or new nurse?
Nurse paraphernalia!
about me...