01 Sep, 2022
August 2022
I try to schedule everything in advance so I can plan. This month, I had planned internet and landline installation, propane connection, work on my garden, and final inspections for HVAC, woodstove, and bank final draw. The house in finished, but still have to finish up a few things. Supply chain and staffing issues continue to create setbacks.
We provided our own 250-gallon propane tank and had it filled. We dug the trench to the house and installed conduit (under the driveway) for the propane company to install the line to the house. We chose Co-op gas and scheduled this appointment last month. Generally, summer propane prices are the best, with winter prices being the most expensive. However, with the increasing prices of propane, our fill price of $3.99/gallon was what we usually pay in the winter. Doesn’t look like price is going to go down anytime soon. The only thing we will use propane for is the range/stove.
we own our 250-gallon propane tank. If you do not have your own, propane companies rent them with an annual rental charge.

We dug the trench and placed the conduit. Any areas that can be driven on must have conduit for wires or pipe to pass through to prevent pressure damage. Co-Op Propane Company installed the propane line to house.

Rough-in for propane connection already at the house. Connection was made by Co-Op propane Company. Bleed the line of air and propane was tested once connection made. We only use propane for our stove/range oven.
Ziply is the landline company available in our area. The technician came as promised, but was not able to install. Another appointment was made for another team to trench the line to the house.
In my area, there are several options for internet, but all are not available to us. Each company bases their ability to provide internet service on the location of services relative to line of site of their tower. The only company that gave us hope for internet was Intermax wireless, with line of sight to Baldy Mountain. However, we will have to put in a pole in about 75 feet behind the house to get line of sight. Other internet companies in our area are: Ziply, Kaniksu, Inter-wave, AT & T, Verizon, and Hughes…and Starlink, if you can get it – we have been on the waitlist for almost a year. I see people posting that they got it, but it is still not an option, not offered, at this time. If it comes to be our turn, Starlink still has a $599 equipment fee (self-setup) and then it is $120/month. If Intermax works out for us, at $79/month, unless it is utterly terrible, I will keep it until I can’t.
So far, landline and internet are still out of reach. We still have the Hi-Boost in the RV so that’s where we have to go to get service. Thinking about how we can bring that Hi-Boost antenna closer to the house... Inspection for HVAC and woodstove passed. Bank sent someone to take photos of our progress.
Furniture. We brought a few pieces with us and have to buy much more. So far, we have been lucky to have found great finds on Facebook Marketplace. I found 6 solid wood wine crates @$5/each that I use for shelves in my pantry and living room. I waxed them for a richer wood look. I found a TV cabinet for the living room, handmade by someone out of wood pallets, for $150. A leather couch for $100. Another pantry shelf, handmade, for $40. I found a free queen bed, mattress, and headboard set….it was actually listed for $150, but when I contacted the man selling it, he said he needed it gone and if I came right away, I could have it for free! I also found 2 blue pine handmade benches from a lovely 83-year old gentleman who insisted that since I bought 2 benches, I have to accept 2 free ‘Whatsit’ gifts. He gave me my choice of handcrafted wood art and I picked 2. He called them ‘Whatsits’ because when people look at them, they say ‘What’s this?’…fun decorative trinkets. We did purchase a new dining room table and chairs, benches too (but they are on backorder) from Sandpoint Furniture which was nearly $2000. Overall, we are saving money and have been able to source several locally handmade items which I love. The more things we move in, the more it feels like home. On another note, as I unpack things I thought would look nice in my new house, I am realizing that some things don't transfer so I am purging as I go along as well.

The Bonner County Fair also happened to be in full swing during our trip. I miss fair days with my kids showing their market lambs and goats. I went to watch some of the Round Robin Master Showmanship and the returned to support the Jr. Livestock Auction. These
4-H kids work hard to raise their animals and many people have supported my kids over the years and I also supported many kids in return. My goal is to continue to support the program and kids by buying livestock at the fair. 4-H has taught my kids invaluable life skills and responsibility and I would like to continue to give back. We bought a set of chickens for $350 and donated it back to the seller. When we are more set-up and stable in our living situation, I would like to buy a lamb. This fair allows live animal take home, so it may be a way for me to restart my lamb stock.
We attended a free herb walk at our friend’s property and learned about herbs and ‘weeds’ that can be used for medicine. I have been acquiring knowledge in foraging, wild herbs/plants/weeds, and medicinal value of wild plants. Once I know more, I am happy to share my knowledge so check back! Afterwards, we were also able to take a whole day to spend with friends, which doesn’t happen often.

These are two that I attended. Very informative and fun. Who knew plants that we call weeds could be useful?

...Makes me want to take it all in and learn more. I am amassing quite the library on these subjects too. I am impressed how many locals already know this stuff. There are many resources and free walks and tours here. Many of them have the added benefit of having items for sale such as salves, balms, and lotions made by the host(s). *Art got stung by a wasp...I had him chew up plantain leaves and smush it on the sting, something we learned from one of these tours. It works. He said that the pain was lessened shortly after placing this mash on. I look forward to trying more natural remedies!
Our neighbor, Jim, was on a camping & crabbing trip almost the whole time we were there, but he returned the day before we were to leave. He had been crabbing and brought us a big bag of Dungeness Crab! What a treat!
